
"Pain changes us forever, but so does healing from from it."

Counselling at Osteopathic Sense gives patients the opportunity to discuss their problems in a safe and supportive environment.

Counselling aims to improve our ability to cope with stress, interpersonal difficulties, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety through the exploration of life experiences and resulting coping strategies; both positive and negative.

It is a collaborative process, enabling the individual to develop a more flexible response to life's challenges.

Many of us have been impacted by fear, anxiety and panic about coronavirus (COVID-19) recently. The community has been in a heightened state of anxiety for some time now. If you feel your mental well being impacted and are not sure what to do the following resources may be helpful.

Black Dog Institute - Support for all Australians with a new app to support Healthcare workers 

Lifeline - 131114 - 24-hour crisis counselling 

Kids helpline - 1800 551 800

Headspace -  1800 650 890 - Youth Support

Carers Victoria - 1800 242 636 - Support for Carers

Parentline - 1300 30 1300 -  Support for Parents

Respect - 1800 737 732 -  Support for victims of physical or sexual abuse

Qlife - Support for the LGBTQI+ community

Switchboard - Support for the LGBTQI+ community

Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

Specific Counselling treatments

Counselling pricing

*concession prices available for students under 18 and concession card holders

Initial Consultation 60 mins
Return Consultation 60 mins
Return Consultation 30 mins

Meet our Counselling practitioners